Be Better With Bowen
The "Journeys" of A Bowen Clinic ... and other journeys
Bowen Therapy is a gentle soft tissue therapy renowned for resolving/managing crook backs, stiff necks, aching joints, sore muscles, and many conditions such as Meniere's Disease, TMJ Syndrome and Osgood-Schlatters Disease. By combining some knowledge of spondylogenic reflexes, kinesiology and exercises with Bowen Therapy I strive to achieve a permanent improvement in structure and function of your body.
Equine Muscle Release Therapy and Cat & Canine Muscle Release Therapy are the only applications of Bowen on aniamals which is accredited by the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.
Increase power for ultimate ability, improve flexibility for work, gain the performance edge, increase longevity, and/or build the relationship with comfort and relaxation.
Postural Alignment Exercises enhance the effects of Bowen Therapy by supporting the body to adopt a functional state. They reinforce, in a non-invasive way, the changes in posture created by Bowen. This is a therapy in itself which is available for people who are unable to attend the clinic on a regular basis, or at all.
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Therapy (MSTR) is an amazing development in the treatment of scars, and is changing the lives of people and animals.
Crystal Dreaming involves a shamanic journey within a mandala of crystals. Experiences and positive results are as varied as you can imagine.
Chakra and Aura Cleansing involves cleansing and balancing the aura and chakras. Assists with creating a positive outlook and choosing your beliefs.
Ear Candling is an effective and natural way to relieve some ear and sinus problems.
Reiki involves channeling universal energy for healing. It is well known for relaxation and improving sense of wellbeing.
Call Prue to discuss which of the above would be most beneficial for you now.
Equine Muscle Release Therapy and Cat & Canine Muscle Release Therapy are the only applications of Bowen on aniamals which is accredited by the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.
Increase power for ultimate ability, improve flexibility for work, gain the performance edge, increase longevity, and/or build the relationship with comfort and relaxation.
Postural Alignment Exercises enhance the effects of Bowen Therapy by supporting the body to adopt a functional state. They reinforce, in a non-invasive way, the changes in posture created by Bowen. This is a therapy in itself which is available for people who are unable to attend the clinic on a regular basis, or at all.
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Therapy (MSTR) is an amazing development in the treatment of scars, and is changing the lives of people and animals.
Crystal Dreaming involves a shamanic journey within a mandala of crystals. Experiences and positive results are as varied as you can imagine.
Chakra and Aura Cleansing involves cleansing and balancing the aura and chakras. Assists with creating a positive outlook and choosing your beliefs.
Ear Candling is an effective and natural way to relieve some ear and sinus problems.
Reiki involves channeling universal energy for healing. It is well known for relaxation and improving sense of wellbeing.
Call Prue to discuss which of the above would be most beneficial for you now.