Be Better With Bowen
What To Do After Your Bowen Treatment
The Bowen moves will have created waves in your connective tissue that continue for five to ten days. Healing just begins on the table, and will continue until those waves cease. If you follow the guidelines below you will be maximising the effect of your Bowen treatment.
Moving around will assist your body to realign itself, particularly if you have a back problem. I would encourage you to stand up and move every half hour on the day of your Bowen treatment. Have a Warm Shower or Bath Do not have a hot shower or bath in the 24 hours after your Bowen treatment. Walk The Bowen treatment you received would have stimulated toxins to be released from the cells in your body into the lymphatic system. Unlike the circulatory system which has the heart to pump the blood around, the lymphatic system does not have an organ to pump the toxins through it to be eliminated. Instead, we rely upon muscle movement to pump the lymph through the body. Gentle exercise such as walking for 20-30 minutes a day is recommended after your Bowen session to help eliminate the toxins from your body. Drink Plenty of Water Continuing to hydrate your body will maximise the ongoing effects of the Bowen moves, allowing you to get the best results from your treatment. It will also assist in clearing toxins from your body. It is more effective to sip water regularly rather than to consume a full glass at a time. Aim to gradually increase your intake of water to about 25ml per kg of bodyweight per day. As a general guide, that works out at:
Drinking tea, coffee, cordial, soft drinks, sports drinks, or even water infused with fruit juice or herbs has a very different effect on your body than drinking plain water. Please do not include your intake of other fluids in calculating how much water you have consumed during a day. Wait Allow time for the Bowen session to work. Bowen can take up to ten days to be fully integrated. Avoid Other Bodywork Refrain from having any other bodywork for at least five days. If the Bowen waves are like the ripples in a pond when you throw a pebble in the middle of it, other bodywork has the effect of throwing a brick in the pond. The effect of your Bowen session will be negated. Possible Reactions It is not unusual for symptoms to increase before they improve. Give the Bowen waves some time to "iron things out" - in a few days you might be surprised how much better you feel. Occasionally clients may experience a strong response to Bowen. If you have any concerns please phone Prue on 0427 143 743 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 0427 143 743 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to discuss any unusual response. Please consult your doctor if you experience any alarming symptoms. Do Not Apply Heat or Ice Do not apply hear or ice to an inflamed area for 48 hours before your Bowen treatment. Apple cider vinegar is effective in reducing inflammation, and can be applied by soaking a face washer in ACV and placing it over the inflamed area. To contain the moisture, wrap it in gladwrap and then cover with a bandage. Leave it on overnight, or for at least four to five hours. Repeat the next night. If your skin is sensitive, or becomes sensitive, to the ACV it can be diluted with water. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated. Do the Exercises In some cases your Bowen therapist will suggest you carry out some exercises or other things to do to support the Bowen treatment. If you follow these suggestions you will be maximising the potential of your Bowen session. If you choose not to do this that is OK, but you will never know how effective Bowen could have been at that time. Be Aware Please note any differences in your pain, discomfort, sleeping patterns, stress levels and condition to discuss with your Bowen therapist at the next session. Make Another Appointment Arrange for another Bowen session if you would like. Many clients decide they do not require further Bowen treatments because their condition has improved so much. If you think it is not necessary, you do not need to come back. In this instance I would be very interested to hear the result of your Bowen treatment, so please feel free to phone and let me know how you are feeling. The next Bowen session, if required, is best scheduled between five and ten days later – a week is ideal. If you suffer a new injury, or re-injure the existing injury, it is advisable to have a Bowen treatment as soon as possible. In some instances Bowen should be given on demand. If you are an asthma sufferer please feel free to phone Prue to arrange a quick treatment any time you need it. Similarly, if you are pregnant and have back or sciatic pain please feel free to ask for a quick treatment. These quick treatments can be done in a couple of minutes, and I would be able to fit them in for you. Continue reading about Bowen Therapy, or phone Prue on 0427 143 743 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 0427 143 743 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for more information or to make an appointment. |